Category: WORKING WITH CRYSTALS IN REGRESSION THERAPY, Oslo, Norway, 2020, date to be confirmed


Working With Crystals In Regression Therapy, Oslo, Norway, 2020, date to be confirmed

Working With Crystals In Regression Therapy is the title of a theoretical and experiential workshop to be offered to the Norwegian Association for Regression Therapy (NFRT) in Oslo, Norway, in 2020. This informative workshop will include learning about and working with: Crystals and their purpose and usage, how a crystal ‘works’ to include their crystal habit, mineralology, crystallography and rock classification. We will explore specific crystals for self-development and self-evolution to include Lapis Lazuli, Azeztulite, Moldavite, Isua Stones, Quantum Quattro as well as beneficial crystals to use in Regression Therapy, when to use them and for what purposes. We will, as an example, embrace training in the use of crystals for physical transformation, the removal of objects and cutting (Knives, Cords and Ropes, Bondage/Mummification). We will also work with pendulums and crystal layouts.

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